About Us
Service & Charity:
To assist the needy, the ill, and disabled through financial support, the provision of housing, and other support programs.
Community Involvement:
Vision Statement
The vision of the Orders Son of Italy of Canada is to garner and nurture the interest of our youth so they may continue to promote the Order and keep our rich Italian heritage alive. Also to be recognized nationally as a philanthropic organization and foster strong relationships within our communities by our charitable work.
In 1905 the Order Sons of Italy was founded in North America.
The Italian community of Brantford joined the Order Sons of Italy of Ontario in 1934 and named their Club Pontinia Lodge.
Pontinia Lodge of mixed male and female members of OSIO was a predecessor of Rossini Lodge that was formed in Brantford in 1953.
The Pontinia Lodge itself exited for only a relatively brief of time roughly from 1934 to 1940. Before its activities were interrupted by internment and the Second World War. During the period Pontinia Lodge was in existence, it offered to the people of Brantford, among other benefits, an educational program in Italian and in English.
Pontinia Lodge was organized mainly to promote Italian culture and traditions and even managed to promote and maintain a juvenile lodge, the Sabaudia.
The new Lodge Pontinia came into being through the organizing efforts of a certain Frank Merrill of Brantford, and it was inaugurated in the Oddfellows` Hall In that community in September 1934. At the inauguration, a total of 50 men and women were sworn, including a strong nucleus of young people.
The first officers for the new lodge were:
Venerable Pio Di Maggio Trustees
Assistant Venerable Valentino Di Francesco Domenico Di Ettore
Orator Antonio Diodato Raffaele Di Francesco
Administrative Seg Anna Salvatore Frank Merrill
Recording Seg Raffaele Petrella Giulio Mancini
Treasure Antonia Rosignoli Antonio Rosignoli
One year Later the members of the Pontinia inauguretd their juvenile Lodge named Sabaudia. The ceremony was conducted by the Grand Venerable Sabetta
And it was attended by members of other lodges.
On November 23 /1953 the Italian community in Brantford organized once more through the Order Sons of Italy of Canada a club to be named Rossini Lodge No.18
The name Rossini was chosen in commemoration of the famous Italian composer of opera GIOACCHINO ROSSINI .
Through the years Rossini Lodge has contributed extensively to many charitable organization of Brantford, the Hogg`s tunnel disaster Fund and St. Joseph`s Hospital in Brantford, Rossini lodge has been a leader in the Brantford Community in organizing special drives to raise money when disaster struck. As we move forward Rossini Lodge continues to fundraise for the different charities and sports activities as well as other functions.
The fist Venerable (President) of Rossini Lodge was Mr. Charles Del Rossi
In 1957, after four hard years of planning and fundraising, the building of the new Rossini Ballroom was begun. With all members planning and working together
Rossini Hall at 140 Grey St. was finished in June 1958.
In 1965 a two floor addition was added to the rear premises.
The motto of Rossini Lodge LIBERTY, FRATERNITY, and EQUALITY govern all the activities.