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Application and Eligibility Requirements:

Josephine Lavey was a dedicated member of the Order Sons of Italy since 1947.She served as Grand Administrative Secretary and Recording Secretary for the Ontario Grand Lodge from 1951 until her death in April 1973. She was also the first member of the Order in Canada to be elected to the Supreme Council of Order Sons of Italy in America as a trustee.

Her area of jurisdiction as National Regional Deputy included the Grand Lodges of Ontario, Quebec, California, Nevada and the Northwestern States. She was the founder and the First Venerable of the Regina Lodge in Welland and one of the organizers of the Latina Lodge in Thorold.

Besides her work for the Order, she was the Deputy Treasurer for the City of Welland. Her untiring efforts on behalf of the Italian immigrants stand out as her greatest contribution to the community. She worked indefatigably to find employment, to interpret, to translate and assist newcomers in their desire to achieve Canadian Citizenship. All her life, Josephine Lavey served others, her family, community and other organizations. She served on the Board of Directors for YMCA and the National Institute for the Blind, and as well, as President of St. Mary’s CWL to mention a few.

Josephine also had the distinction of being the only Canadian present at the meeting of the International Executive of OSIA with U.S. president Richard Nixon at the White House. The Order Sons of Italy, in its 80 years of existence has performed public service of incalculable value to its members and to the country, all the while battling continually to achieve social justice and individual dignity for all.

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